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Experienced Brokers

Strategy, Speed, Productivity.

Data analytics and predictive modelling ensure you have full visibility in to your business and every opportunity is sourced for you.

Join Pineapple

Why Top Agents Are Moving Over

Fastest and Most Flexible Pay
  • We never lock you in a contract.
  • Same-day pay with 1-day EFT.
  • Payout of all compensation at your agreed-upon split.
  • Top-tier compensation includes volume bonuses, efficiency bonuses and year-end bonuses.
Top-Tier Lender Access
White Glove Transition Support
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Pineapple Horizons+

Recognition & Rewards

Horizons+ is Pineapple’s exclusive membership club for top-producing agents, brokers and brokerages across the entire Pineapple network. Every year our top producing agents will receive an all-inclusive fun-in-the-sun trip with your Pineapple colleagues and Executive team. Not a top-producing agent? Don’t worry as there are other ways to win! Our generous lenders, Training. Marketing and Underwriting teams will also be giving out awards.

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Smart Technology

Powerful Tools That Scale For You

Strategic positioning. Perform better than your rivals with real-time reporting that identifies clients needs based on market conditions.

Sustainable profits. Full visibility into your deals, and how many leads you need to reach your revenue goals.

Operational effectiveness. Automated communications are sent out to various stakeholders at different deal stages on your behalf.

Improved response times. Get all the answers to all your questions in seconds with the biggest info database in Canada.

Join Pineapple

We Make It Easy To Move

With top-tier lender access, mentorship and affiliate opportunities, plus transition support, we make it easy to hit the ground running when you join Pineapple.

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Helpful Tools

A System That Saves You Time

Stop wasting precious time and get a system that not only organizes for you but keeps track of your deals, documents, discussions and earnings as well.

No more multiple platforms. Everything you need is in one place - CRM, tasks, pipeline tracking, deal originations, reporting, compliance, training, payroll - makes your life easy.

No more forgetting what stage you’re in. Pineapple moves your deals through each stage seamlessly, keeping you on track.

No more hunting down documents. Easy to use document uploader for your clients, and auto-populated Google drive that organizes your files for you.

No more searching for email communications. Log all your emails, calls, and messages right in the deal activity so you can go back at any time and find what you need.

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Collaborative Culture

Feel Valued

Join a collaborative community of like-minded agents, who understand that if we lift each other up none of us will fall.

Personal Recognition. We reward not just our top producers in volume and revenue, but also those who deserve recognition for business and personal growth.

Development Opportunities. Enhance your skills, grow your network, and build a team, with continuous career and personal advancement opportunities.

More time for loved ones. Time saving tools grow your business exponentially so you can spend more time with your family.

More meaning. Our goal to make the industry a better place for everyone, helps strengthen your relationships and builds life long customers.

Why Join Us?

Here’s What Brokers, Owners, And Lenders Say About Pineapple

“I am a seasoned Mortgage Agent. Through Pineapple training I have learned how to be more efficient, how to improve my processes, how to brainstorm, and how to show gratitude.”

Thanna Leah Marques, Mortgage Agent, PineappleToronto, ON

"I have been in the mortgage industry for 10 years now. At Pineapple there is nothing but genuine love, support, mentorship and training. If you want to hit the next level in your career this organization will help you achieve this."

Marlon Yee, Mortgage Agent, PineappleMarkham, ON

“Pineapple supercharged my professional career. I’m still in shock at the place I am in right now. I am so thankful for the people around me and the resources I have in my hand that I can access whenever I can.”

Eric Kim, Mortgage Agent, PineappleToronto, ON

ON 12830 / BCFSA MB600871 / AMF 3002803823 / RECA 00424723 / SK 512229

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