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Meet Our Counsellors

The Pineapple Counsellor Program

The Pineapple Counsellors program pairs senior mortgage experts with agents that need help getting to the next level of their career. The Counsellors work with their Counsellor Agents more closely than conventional mentorship, providing them with training, oversight, and a collaborative structure that ensures more than just questions are answered but skills are built.

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The Fast Track to Success

Agents in the Pineapple Counsellor Program are closing their first deal 2X faster than the industry average and are staying in the mortgage business longer.

Pineapple Counsellors are committed to educating, coaching and counselling the Counsellor Agents through weekly chats, hands-on workshops and deal support.

Pineapple Counsellors are mentored and held accountable by the Pineapple Executive Team.

Counsellor Agents are encouraged to attend all workshops, complete online training programs, and achieve their weekly KPIs.

The Pineapple Counsellors have specific goals they need to ensure that their Counsellor Agent achieves and these goals are reviewed weekly by senior management to ensure that they stay on track.

The real foundation of the program is Pineapple’s mix of management combined with technology as it drives accountability for both the Counsellors and the Counsellor Agents.

Support, Training, & Culture

Meet Our Counsellors

Check out our Counsellors below and click to learn more about why they’re excited about this program, the benefits you receive as an agent, and more!

Peter Ricketts
Peter Ricketts

Peter believes that every client deserves the best care and service when purchasing or refinancing the home of their dreams. He can place all types of mortgages including purchases, refinances, equity takeouts, debt consolidations, renewals and mortgages for self-employed.

Serice Lee
Serice Lee

Serice Lee is a former banker with more than 20 years of experience and has now taken that knowledge and expertise to become a Mortgage Broker with Pineapple.

Peter Weil
Peter Weil

There’s not a rock Peter won’t turn over or an option he won’t exhaust to find the best possible solution for his clients.

Don Chen
Don Chen

Don is a Mortgage Professional who focuses on providing education and a high level of services to his clients. He works with first-time home buyers and property investors to provide financing strategies that accelerate homeownership and property wealth building.

Marlon Yee
Marlon Yee

Marlon is a Mortgage Professional and Financial Advisor with over 10 years of mortgage lending experience and over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry.

Mellisa Thornton
Mellisa Thornton

Mellisa is a mortgage professional who insists on delivering the best experience for her clients. With over 20 years in the financial industry, Mellisa's passion is educating and assisting clients with one of the biggest purchases of their lives. From first-time home buyers to reverse mortgages, Mellisa helps her clients find the best mortgage product for their needs and helping others succeed.

Lisa Pham
Lisa Pham

Lisa is a seasoned professional who has had a diverse career. As a Mortgage Agent, she is passionate about helping Canadians secure their dream homes and financial futures. She is excited to share her knowledge and experience with agents in the Pineapple Counsellor Program. When Lisa's not working, you can find her exploring new hobbies or enjoying quality time with her family.

Become A Part Of The

Pineapple Counsellor Program

If you are interested in becoming a Pineapple Counsellor or a Counsellor Agent, get in touch with us to start the enrolment process today!

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We Support New Agents

Pineapple Counsellors Program

Great leaders don't tell you what to do. They show you how it's done.

Why Join The Pineapple Counsellors?

Here’s What Brokers are saying About the Counsellor Program

The counsellor program has been amazing. Without the counsellor program, I would be lost when it comes to submitting and processing a deal. It's so much more than accountability.

TJ Wright, Pineapple Agent
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I am very grateful for the Counsellor Program at Pineapple. The program has helped me focus and organize my business so that I will succeed and my business will prosper.

Suzette Rhodius, Pineapple Agent
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I really appreciate Pineapple for enabling me to do something I cannot do alone.

Sunjoo Oh, Pineapple Agent
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The Counsellor Program has been a great way for me to learn in a collaborative manner. I appreciate having my counsellor available for quick questions, second opinions and business planning.

Maggie Alladina, Pineapple Agent
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Our weekly accountability meetings with our counsellors are a great way to get feedback on how we are doing as Agents and where improvements can be made. I definitely look forward to these meetings.

Jas Rihal, Pineapple Agent
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I look forward to the weekly meeting with my counsellor to bounce ideas around and discussing my leads. Going through DOS & MyPineapple while looking through my deals has really helped me understand the software.

Chris Boudreau, Pineapple Agent
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ON 12830 / BCFSA MB600871 / AMF 3002803823 / RECA 00424723 / SK 512229

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